Being an experienced investor is less about the amount of time you have been investing and more about your ability to accurately appreciate risk. This means the level of risk any individual investment opportunity represents and the balance of risk across your investment portfolio.
Achieving that stage of sophistication is a combination of education and reaching a level of financial security that means you are able to comfortably take on investments that involve more risk.
Do you consider yourself an experienced, sophisticated investor? If you do, and are, investing can become a lot more fun. That doesn’t mean you disregard the careful, risk managed, long term foundation to your investment portfolio that has got you this far. That should always be your bread and butter and what will secure your comfortable retirement and other core investment targets such as financing your children’s education or leaving behind an inheritance.
Topics covered in this Guide
- Investment Classes for Experienced Investors
- Stock Picking
- Leveraged Trading
- Unregulated Corporate/Mini Bonds
- EIS & SEIS Angel Investments
- Collectables
- Conclusion